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Guest Students

Foreign students wanting to study at a German tertiary institute of education for part of their degree course can also be admitted on an individual basis for a period to be determined as a foreign student at the Schwetzingen Technical Institute.
Foreign students thus have the opportunity of acquiring a basic understanding of German Civil and Civil Procedural Law and the Law of Non-Contentious Jurisdiction in compact form in a relatively short period.

In addition, those persons from within Germany and overseas who can demonstrate a sufficiently high level of education may be permitted to take part in individual lectures or seminars at the Schwetzingen Technical Institute as guest students provided sufficient places are available. In particular, earlier graduates who are now working in a related career can thus refresh their knowledge.

All guest students may also take sit tests in the subjects they select during the course. If desired they can request a certificate confirming their participation and the grades they gained in the tests. They will not be admitted to examinations.

Foreign students are currently not charged tuition fees. They are responsible for their own accommodation, food and insurance cover.
Enquiries and enrolments as guest students are to be submitted to the Schwetzingen Technical Institute in writing.

Applications for admission as guest students must be accompanied by:

  • a photocopy of a passport or national ID card;
  • a photocopy of a national or foreign certificate of matriculation entitling the holder to admission to study at a tertiary institute of education;
  • a curriculum vitae.


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