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Studying at the Schwetzingen Technical Institute

The theoretical part of the course takes place in two blocks at the College.

Stage I (Theoretical)
Duration: 12 months
Period: September of the first year of training until August of the second training year (second calendar year) (holiday in August).
In this first theoretical block of instruction at the College basic legal knowledge necessary for the profession of graduate court registrars are taught.
Instruction consists of lectures, exercises and tutorials by qualified lecturers (judges and court registrars). Practical experience is provided by demonstration of projects and excursions in conjunction with the relevant theoretical instruction.

Stage II (Theoretical)
Duration: 12 months
Duration: September of the third year of training till Juli of the third year of training.
In this second theoretical block of instruction which follows on the Practical Section, theoretical knowledge is supplemented and gone into in more depth by assimilating the practical experience gained.

General Remarks

Lectures take place in groups of ca. 25-30 participants. The regular form of teaching is a lecture. Importance is attached to oral participation.

Exercises and Tutorials
Exercises and tutorials are held in both courses of study.
Groups normally have 10 and 15 participants. Attendance at lectures is mainly compulsory. Every student is required to attend a tutorial during Stage II of the theoretical section and do a written assignment there.

Compulsory Attendance
Attendance at lectures is compulsory in all subjects with the exception of the optional subjects.

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