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The International Office (Academic)

The International Office (Academic) at the College organises and coordinates the College's relations with other countries.
Thus, the International Office (Academic) is especially responsible for maintaining contacts with the College's overseas partners colleges.

These colleges are:

  • École Nationale des Greffes in Dijon (France)
  • Şcoala Naţională de Grefieri (früher Centrul des Pregătire şi Perfecţionare a Grefierilor şi a Celuilalt Personal Auxiliar des Specialitate) in Bukarest (Romania)
  • Wolga-Akademie für den Staatsdienst in Saratov (Russia)
  • Justizakademie der Tschechischen Republik in Kroměříž

The International Office (Academic) is also the contact for overseas institutions wanting assistance from the College in certain matters.
Finally, overseas students wanting to find out more about the profession of the German graduate Court Registrar can contact the International Office (Academic).

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